Friday, 19 November 2010

Update of the Week

This week we have begun editing our video, and have already progressed a long way with it. We spent a long time choosing our favourite shots to be used for the video, as some of them couldn't be used due to passers by being in the shot. So far, we have a fairly rough cut of our video with plenty of room for making smoother, more professional cuts.
However, what has been sucessful already is fitting shots to an underlying beat in the video. During a small break from the song, where there is silence, we slowed the shot down as we felt it was more fitting. Where there is a very strong drum beat, we use some abrupt cuts for things such as coming down the stairs, and zooming in on the bus ticket. We also experimented with a jump cut for when our character leaps over some bollards. We use this cut to move him from one to the next rapidly, and then continue this as he moves closer to the camera.
Due to only having one version of one of the shots, we had to zoom in to cut a passer by out of the shot, and on another shot, we were able to use the program to straighten one of the shots.

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