This is our completed video. It has now been uploaded to YouTube after being approved by our media teacher. We have also created a survey in order to gain some feedback on what others think of our video, which can used for our evaluation. We require as much feedback as possible for the video so if it is possible please leave a comment either here or on YouTube, and complete our survey.
To edit our video, we have been using Adobe Premiere Pro, software that we had only had the opportunity to use once previously when making a video at the end of last year. We used a number of techniques however this time around that we did not use last time. We lightened our footage in the editing suite in order to be more fitting with the general look of Coral videos and also to make it look more professional, as before the footage looked rather washed out. We also tried to make sure that all the footage fitted with the beat of the song especially when there are very specific drum beats. We made the cuts more jumpy when these drum beats were prominent in the song. We also put in a sound effect for the alarm clock, which we downloaded and the inserted into the song, just like we had to add the main song, and removed any background noise from the actual video.