Friday, 22 October 2010
Update of the Week
This week, we filmed our music video for our media studies coursework. We were one of the first groups at the college to film, which meant our shooting schedule and storyboards had to be completed on the Friday before we started shooting, so they could be approved by our teacher. Now that filming is complete, we must spend the week following half term working on our digipak and advert, before beginning editing the following week. The editing process takes four weeks, and all this time will need to be used wisely, so it is important that we finish our digipak and advert this week.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Second day of shooting
Monday, 18 October 2010
First day of shooting
We completed our first day of shooting at 4 pm today. We made a good start on our video, shooting the house scenes, bus stop scenes and establishing shots, although we still need a shot of a flat block. We overcame some problems early in the day, when we unable to get hold of a bear suit. In order to continue work whilst waiting for the suit, we shot the house scenes, which do not contain the bear, meaning that we did not fall behind schedule.
We asked permission before filming outside of the shop today, so we do not have any issues there. We chose to shoot the shop today, as they are near to the house we were filming in. When shooting in the house, the necessary changes, such as the removal of the poster and rearrangement of instruments were made in the bedroom we filmed in. Overall, we had a fairly productive day of filming.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Our locations continued
We also intend to use this image for the front of our digipak, but there will need to be some changes made to the room, such as the poster will need to be taken down.
We still need to choose a shop to shoot ourside, and a bus stop, but hopefully this will not take too much longer, as shooting commences on Monday. The bus stop will need to be in town however, as we will only have the bear suit for one day.
Update of the Week
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
The first three shots are establishing shots, used as we zoom in towards the house where our star is asleep. The fourth shot is the first sighting of the star, who is asleep in bed, and as an alarm is played he will wake up and start to get up. In the sixth shot, we see an abrupt cut to him coming down the stairs, before entering the kitchen. The camera will then zoom in on a noticeably empty bread bin.
On the second sheet, our first shot sees the star frustrated by his lack of breakfast, but by the second, the issue is overcome by a second character handing him a piece of toast, from which he takes a bite and rapidly discards it. In the song, there are lyrics about heading to a shop, so our character goes to a shop, and no sooner than he closes the door, it opens again, and he reappears with arms full of shopping. The first introduction to the two other characters that feature throughout the video appear in our 16th shot, sat at a bus stop, where our star joins them.
In the 17th shot our character is looking for a bus ticket, and when he cannot find one, the camera zooms in on his disappointed face. However, in the following shot, he spots a ticket under the bear paw, and is able to use this to get on the bus. We see an extreme close up of his happy face, before zooming out and finding he is in town. The character walks down the street with the bear and the busker following, before turning a corner, where the others continue to follow him.
Our character continues his journey through town, and eventually comes to a telephone box, where the bear is stood inside on the phone. The group then arrive at Clifford's tower, and start dancing on the slopes, before the final shot features the group saying good bye, where the bear high fives our main character.
Friday, 8 October 2010
Possible locations
The first one here is Clifford's Tower
Another possible location is Spurriergate
A third possible location is Coney Street. There are two images here. I personally think the second one would be better as I quite like the idea of using the mansion house as a background.
Finally, another possible location I found is St Helen's Square
These locations are good because they are all near to each other so we would not need to travel too much, which could be costly. We still need to consider a possible bus stop for our video, and the houses we are using.
All images are (C) Google Maps
Update of the Week
Our initial ideas include an establishing shot of the house where the man lives before we cut to his room, head downstairs, and finally finish in the streets of York. As soon as the man steps outside of his house, the music will begin. As the song we have a chosen is only 2 and 1/2 minutes, we will have around 30 seconds of silence at the beginning while we set the scene, and our actor gets up. This is actually fitting, as the song is a fairly happy one, and the happy events do not start occurring until the man leaves his house, and is handed a piece of toast.
We have also been considering possible locations, as our earlier plans show, and two of these may be the City Walls of York and another street for him to walk down (The Shambles is pictured) although neither of these are definite yet.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Planning the Video
- bear pops up occasionally in the shots, "playing" the acoustic guitar
- the actors handing the balloons and toast sings along to certain parts of the song
Why we chose this...
A bear often appears in the Coral's music videos, so we wanted to continue this theme and there is often someone singing along in their other videos.
Our costumes...
Friday, 1 October 2010
Update of the Week
This week, we have continued our work on the coursework. We spent much of our first lesson this week studying some of the Coral’s other videos, and like the album covers we had previously looked at, we discovered that they are very diverse. They all have a confusing theme running beneath them, but the actual stories in the videos vary completely. One features the Coral singing on a mountain, whilst another features an elderly lady dancing. The theme of a bear also reappears, this time with someone dressed up as one. The videos largely feature crosscuts between their storylines, and shots of the band singing.
We have also discovered further steps in our coursework this week, such as creating a shooting schedule and planning a storyboard of shots for our film. We are still working on our digipak, as the plans need to be carefully put together. Although it will be done in Photoshop, we are planning on paper and using other programs whilst we become more confident with using Photoshop, as most of us have not used it since planning our magazine in last year’s coursework.